
15-07-2024, 14:06
עדוכן לוח זמנים בקווים 720,240 | החל מ-21.07.24

נוסעים/ות יקרים/ות,

החל מיום ראשון ה- 21.07.2024 יחולו שינויים בלוחות הזמנים של הקווים 240,720 בהתאם לפרטים הבאים:

  • קו 240 שעב-מכללת עמק יזרעאל

-הקדמת הנסיעה של השעה 20:30 לשעה 20:15 בכיוון החזור ממכללת עמק יזרעאל לשעב בימים א'-ה'.

  • קו 720 נצרת-באקה אלג'רבייה (מכללת אלקאסמי)

      -עדכון הנסיעה של השעה 08:15 לשעה 08:30 בכיוון החזור מבאקה אלג'רבייה לנצרת בימים א'-ה'.

      -עדכון הנסיעה של השעה 09:15 לשעה 09:30 בכיוון החזור מבאקה אלג'רבייה לנצרת בימים א'-ה'.

לכל שאלה ומידע נוסף, אנא צרו קשר עם מוקד השירות שלנו, הזמין לרשותכם בכל שעות פעילות הקווים - בטלפון 3553*. ניתן גם להתעדכן במוקד משרד התחבורה 4515 *

בברכת נסיעה נעימה ובטוחה,
חברת הנסיעות והתיירות נצרת

Route changes
Route changes
09-07-2024, 08:18
Bus Line 12B in Zarzir will change to Line 14

Dear passengers,

Starting Saturday, July 20, 2024, Bus Line 12B in Zarzir will change to Line 14 on Saturdays. The route and schedule will remain unchanged from Line 12B.

01-07-2024, 13:19
Line 833 Nof Hagalil-Tel Aviv

Delay of trips at 08:00, 09:00, 10:00, and 11:00 in the return direction by 15 minutes.

Trips will depart at 08:15, 09:15, 10:15, and 11:15 on Sundays to Fridays.

*Other trips from Tel Aviv will depart unchanged - every hour on the hour.

28-03-2024, 11:11
New Discounts in the "Transportation Justice" Reform

Dear Passengers,

New Discounts in the "Transportation Justice" Reform

A new and beneficial reform in public transportation is being introduced as part of the Ministry of Transportation's "Transportation Justice" initiative. Its goals are to connect Israel, close geographical gaps, remove obstacles, and enable all Israeli people to travel to distant places.

Commencing on March 25, 2024, the following demographic categories will be given set discounts: "Youth Profile," "Geographic Profile," "Discharged Soldiers Profile," and "Welfare Recipients and Persons with Disabilities."

The discounts listed below are exclusive to holders of a Rav-Kav card/payment application - with a matching profile. Profiles should be updated in payment applications and "Al HaKav" service centers.

Monthly Pass Discount "Geographic Profile" – Eligibility: People who live in eligible local authorities (Peripheral Area 1-5) as determined by the ICBS rating (not including statistical regions or settlements in the economic-social rating 9–10). Rate of discount: 50% off the monthly pass.

Monthly Pass Discount "Youth Profile" – Eligibility: Ages 18 to 26 (inclusive). Discount rate: 33% discount on the monthly pass.

"Discharged Soldiers Profile" Discount – Eligibility: Discharged soldiers and National Service participants. Discount Rate: One year of free travel following the conclusion of service.

Monthly Pass Discount "Welfare recipients and Persons with Disabilities" – Eligibility: National Insurance beneficiaries and individuals with disabilities. Discount Rate: The monthly pass is discounted by 50%.

Visit the following link to learn more about the "Transportation Justice" reform: צדק תחבורתי (

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